Monday, December 8, 2008

Not Me Monday Fun

I shamelessly follow a fun blog titled My Charming Kids written by a mom known as Mckmama. She and her family have a pretty amazing story in which they were told by the Dr's while pregnant with their 4th child, that her little unborn baby would surely die of a heart defect. They said that if he made it to his birthday that he would be terribly sick and would die shortly after. Mckmama used her blog as a place to rally other believes in prayer for her unborn baby. About 5 weeks ago he was born perfectly 100% undeniably healthy. With not a sign of any heart failure at all. For weeks the Dr's waited for the other shoe to drop so to speak, only to admit that something had happened to heal this little baby. Its a pretty neat story of Gods healing power. This beautiful little guy is proof that God gives and God takes, but God is always good.

Anyhow, on to "Not Me Mondays". McKmama started this Monday tradition to demonstrate that NO ONE is perfect and we as mothers fall down and make mistakes many many times. It is true that there is a underlying pressure on all of us to be perfect, which lets face it, is just never going to happen. I say if we do our very best, and love our children with all our hearts then we are doing a good job. The Not Me's are a way to sound off about our shortcomings in a humorous and fun way.
So here goes my first set of slightly sarcastic, hopefully light hearted "Not Me's!"

A couple weeks ago, while swimming with Shannelle and Cous Jackson, I surely
did NOT huffing and puffing carry my 8 1/2 month old up all the stairs to top of the water slide only to realize that this possibly was a bit fast and big for me to take my baby down. And then I surely did NOT decide to wing it anyhow and proceed to place my baby on my lap, before zooming (yes zooming!) down the large very fast water slide that was NOT meant for moms and their babies. And Shannelle and Jackson did not see a terrified expression on my babies face when we splashed much to fast into the waters below. Nope, NOT me!

And, after months of adamantly insisting on making 100% of my babies food, I definitely did NOT go out and purchase a few jars of Heinz baby food... And I defiantly do NOT cringe every time I feed him this food. No sir, NOT me.

And that's enough for this week. Tune in next Monday for more Not me Therapy. Feel free to check out Mckmama's blog for her "Not Me's" or for more on Stellan's story.


Anonymous said...

Very funny story, I have been in that position before, thinking that "couldn't be that bad", and in the middle of "Space Mountain" with my three year-old grand-daughter, who thought she wanted to go on that ride, has not been on a roller coaster since with me.....think I scarred her and me....for life.......have a terrific evening

The Nilsen's Journey said...

Love it Erin! Such a great idea!! I also did not buy jarred food for our son around that same age! (at least that was my goal in the beginning...turns out that you can get some decent stuff for when you're not on top of everything... I believe the only issue left is pride).

Mrs B said...

God bless you organic are what I strive to be! :)