Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Car seat saftey.

This is one area in which I was completely naive before having my own baby. However, the more I read on car seat safety the more convinced I am that often times we are much to relaxed with our current standards. We've decided to leave Grady rear facing for a while yet. At the earliest, we may turn him at 18 months - but are considering leaving him rear facing until he meets the rear facing limits for his seat. Here are some articles for my mommy friends who are interested in this topic.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Looong overdue update!

Once, again I have dropped the blogging ball big time! It been a LOOONG time since I update you all on the happenings in the Falk household. Where to start???

1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Grady! (On March 4th). I can't believe our baby is one already! It reminds me once again, that time goes by SO fast and we only get these moments once. Our little man had been taking "steps" for a month or so, but really took off just days after his birthday. He can now reach things off the counter, which has made me much more careful in the kitchen! He's learning all kinds of new things daily, which I sometimes just have to smile at. He's saying a few words, and is trying to say many more (we think). At 12 months his words included: Daddy, Mommy, Bird, Ball, That (dat), All done (ahh duu), Poop (nice I know), and Banana (nana).

2. As many know already, our family is growing once again! I am currently 15 weeks, and am due on September 25th/09 (yes, that is our anniversary). However, since I am leaning towards having a repeat c-section, our babe will probably arrive sometime in the week previous to the actual due date. We have had one ultrasound so far, at approximately 10 weeks and everything looked lovely. We were thankful not only for that news, but also at learning that we will only be welcoming one additional child into our home right now.

As for how I'm feeling....At around six weeks, the dreaded morning sickness kicked in and knocked the wind right out of me. It got to the point of it being unsafe for both me and the baby, so I decided to accept the help of heaven sent pills. While on them, I feel 95% fine.

3. We are anxiously preparing for our week long siesta in Mexico for Rachelle and Alex's wedding. I am very much looking forward to basking in the sun, and having some me time, and not having to worry about my "bathing suit body" as I will be 5 1/2 months pregnant at the time. I am not however, even slightly, looking forward to leaving Grady behind for that week. I am already starting to prep myself for the separation, and know it will go fine, but am none the less, dreading it.

So life is busy, and changing for us right now. We are looking very forward to meeting our new little one, but are also savoring the time we have to focus on Grady alone.