Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Better late than never right!

Its been a busy, but good week in the Falk house hold. We had our Christmas #1 with the Falk side of our family on Sat, which was a very good time. Of course, G-man and cous Jackson were showered with gifts, all of which they loved and will love for quite some time. Grady seemed especially taken with the lovely silver bow that adorned one of the first gifts he opened. He played with that silly bow until it completely fell to pieces. One highlight of the day (besides the fantastically amazing meal Gwen put on) was that Jackson and Grady seemed to get over their shy feelings, and behaved like buddies! We even caught them conversing in baby language a time of two. The battles over toys even stayed at a minimum! I will post pictures of both Christmas shin digs when they are both over. You can look forward to a cute one of Grady and Jackson sitting like such big boys in their new lazyboy chairs that came from Grandma and Grandpa F.

Christmas #2 is coming up starting tomorrow and we are very much looking forward to it!

It was brought to my attention that I missed my "Not Me's" on Monday (I apologize). It would seem that my silly stories are actually read by some people.... So here they are - better late than never!

I definitely did not spend the better part of an hour crawling around the house "chasing" my nine months old around. And his silly laughter and frantic high speed crawling was defiantly not just as much fun for me as it was for him!

And I surely did not lapse in my supervision skills one second to long, which was definitely not just enough time for my baby to push the bathroom door open, find the toilet paper and proceed to unroll nearly the entire thing. I then definitely did not simply roll it back up in a haphazard form for future use...

I also have not given into the fact that Grady generally only likes to play with things he can't have. I surely did not stock the lower kitchen drawer with all the wooden spoons, spatulas, measuring cups and more simply to let him "think" he's gotten into something he shouldn't. And I don't smugly enjoy the good 45 minutes that his sneaky discovery buys me in the kitchen.

To add onto the above "not me" - I surely did not discover that he had figured out how to pull open a drawer by the discovery that he had cut himself on the cheese grater... oops. Maybe I shouldn't have typed that one... oh well - it wasn't me

Until next time - Have a happy happy Christmas and New years. I hope you find peace and love in abundance during this time.

1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

Oh how fun! The boys are going to be such pals!! Merry Christmas to you all! Give Grady a snuggle from us!