Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Happy birthday to.... Me!

Another year older, and another year wiser... right! Who knows if that is true, but I can say that my 25th year was a year full of change and growth for me. I entered this year knowing that my life was going to change ten fold with the arrival of our then unknown baby. What I didn't know was how MUCH it would change, and how much growing it would require. I think in a lot of ways, I grew up last year. Becoming a mom has asked that of me.

I think my hope for life in the coming year, is that I will have the courage to know myself and the strength to be the women I know I can be.

When I think about next year, I have NO idea what is in store for us as a family of three. But, I do know this. Life is good! No scratch that - life is GREAT. I love who I am, I love my family, and I love our life. So here's to 26!

1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

Happy Birthday Erin! Hope you had a great day!! This parenting thing I believe is God's way of moulding us so much hey?