Thursday, November 6, 2008

Done and done

For the past week or so, I've been playing around with my blog layout. I used a new (and free) background, and have been working with photoshop to create the banner. I'm happy with it, so for now its done and done. Maybe I'll change it again around Christmas time.

Speaking of Christmas. We are getting pretty excited for our first year as a family of 3! Now that Grady is so into everything, I'm wondering how we are going to manage with our Christmas tree. I'm thinking of tying the tree to the wall somehow so that G-man can't pull it over on top of himself. As for gifts, we are thinking of getting him a few boxes and bags as these are the things he will be the most excited for. Kidding, but I do think that this year will be more exciting for us than him.

As for everything else; Nothing huge has happened lately. Grady has started waving, and clapping. And yes, it is as cute as you imagine. He has started to kind of pull himself up on things, so we've had to lower the crib mattress. I'll post a few new pictures of our handsome little man.

Bring on the snow!

Go Flames Go!

1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

SO cute! I love your blog's look! It's very artsy! My thoughts for Gabriel's Christmas too has been smaller gifts with lots of wrapping as he likes that best!