Monday, November 10, 2008

Home... err, kindof I guess.

This past weekend, Dan, Grady and I took a quick day trip to Drumheller to visit Rachelle and Alex. It was the second time I had been "home" in the past 4 years!!! Even writing that astonishing to me. Drumheller was my home. It was where I was raised, where all my friends were, and where I have a million memories from my past, and yet I haven't even been there more than twice in 4 years. Driving down into the valley was a little bit of a strange experience. Even though it has been such a long time since visiting my hometown, driving down the hill seemed like something I could do with my eyes closed. Everywhere I looked I was flooded with both good and bad memories (mostly good). We drove through the intersection where my grade 9 self crashed my car into grade 12's Mr. Popular. We drove up the street past our first house in that town. We took a quick trip past the High School. We ate at the local favorite Bernie and the Boys, which was a good as I remember. And we went swimming in the pool where I spent countless hours swimming lanes during the years I was on the swim team. Overall almost nothing has changed, and yet it is all so different.

It was good to be back, but at the same time I realized that Drumheller is not my home anymore. Dan and Grady are my family, and wherever they are is home. That is the way is should be, and the way I want it to be!

It will always be fun to go visit "Auntie" Chelle though. She is hilarious and we are constantly laughing when we are together. Grady has his first trip down the big water slide with her, which was pretty fun to watch! It was easy to go for the day, and I hope we do it more often.

Oh, and Grady pulled himself up to full standing today for the first time. He's been able to get up to his knees for a while, but never his feet until today. He did it while he was playing with a box of cheerios. When he finally struggled to his feet he looked at me with a big silly grin as if to say "Wow mom, look at me go!!" Gone are the days that we can hide things on the couch...

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