Sunday, January 17, 2010


I decided today that I am going to be making a big change in my life. I have decided to make a CHOICE to move forward and forgive things/events that have hurt me in the past (even if they don't realize it or care). I had an 'ah-ha' moment today when I realized that I had been letting deep scars burden me down and hold me back and because of it I was becoming an bit of an angry and easily hurt person. So I choose to lighten my load, give it to God and move forward freely.

What does that mean for me? Well, I guess one thing is that I am choosing to open my jaded heart to the church again and allow myself to get not only involved but possibly attached. I know that I might get hurt, but I am willing (for the first time in a long time) to take that chance.

Second, I can choose to be easily upset, or I can choose to accept people as they are, forgive and live freely.

Finally, although I know I will still be very selective about who I allow into my personal life, if the opportunity comes along for me to be vulnerable and honest with people in my life I will try my best not to hold back. I know that there are very very few people who I trust with my feelings and because of that I think I have closed doors on relationships that could have made a big difference in my life. After evaluating who in my life helps make me a better person, I'm going to do my best to actually be a friend.

With that said, I'm excited about this new me! A few years ago I decided that my resolution for that year was to surround myself with good things. I realize now that I was so focused on the things I couldn't control, I overlooked the work I needed to do on the inside. So this year I resolve to lighten my heart and choose happiness and peace.


Megan said...

Erin, I love this! Thank you for choosing to be vulnerable and honest...those kind of choices are sometimes difficult, but I know the pay-off will be huge for you. Blessings, my friend!

Shannelle said...

this is great, erin! i'm excited for what these choices will bring you... freedom, peace, friendship... and God only knows what else! your choices inspire me to push myself beyond my comfort zone and see where God will take me... thanks for sharing.