Friday, January 8, 2010

Boys and their Boogies

Grady and I have this little routine that melts me heart daily. I say "I love you buddy" and he replies with "Very (or berry) Much". I don't really know how it started, but I love these moments.

For the past few days, G-man has been feeling a little blue. Nothing major, just a little bit of a temperature and overall yuckiness. He woke up from his nap yesterday and since Ryan was still asleep I grabbed the opportunity for a Mommy-Grady snuggle. We were laying there all cuddled up on the couch, when I say "I love you Bud". He smiles, looks up at me and says "Boogies mommy". Then busts out laughing.

Sigh. Is it strange that even his boogie comments still melt my heart??

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