Wednesday, January 7, 2009

And this little piggy went we we we we we.....

Funny story time(at least I think so).

Lately I've been playing with Grady, asking him "Where are Grady's ears???", or "Where are Grady's Feet???" trying to get him to point at them. However, when I ask he usually just laughs, or pretends he doesn't hear me... Now keep that in mind for the next part of the story.

My Mom (Grady's Grandma Mc) loves to play "This little Piggy" with Grady. As a result Grady is often in stitches, and seems to love this game most when Grandma does it. Also keep this in mind as I go on.

The other day we were over at their house for supper during the Gold metal Canada Jr Hockey game (Whoo hoo Canada!). Anyhow, I was killing time on their computer while Grady and Grandma played on the floor behind me. I turned towards them just in time to observe this.

Grandma: "Hey Grady. Were are your feet?"

Grady: No response

Grandma: "Where are Grady's Piggy's???"

Grady: With at thoughtful expression on his face, he reached down and grabbed his toes.

After much cheering, we decided to try again.

Grandma: "Were are Grady's feet??"

Grady: Again, Nothing.

Grandma: "Where are Grady's Piggy's??"

Grady: Again, Grabs his toes.

So it has been discovered that Grady does not have toes. Nope. He defiantly has Piggy's.

1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

That's adorable!! I love the picture to go with it!