Thursday, January 1, 2009


2008 - the year of Grady. I can't help but be a little bit nostalgic today as I look back on the past year. We entered the year walking face first into the unknown. And as much as we thought we knew about parenting and babies, we were wrong in a lot of ways. What I mean by that is sure, we knew we would be sleepy all the time, we knew I would have to change diaper after diaper and on and on. What we didn't know was how we would instantly love this little child in a life changing way. We didn't know that in addition to a baby being born, and mother and father were born to. We didn't know that we would suddenly do the craziest things to make him smile because it melts our heart to see his little grins. We didn't know that when we dream about the future, it is more often than not Grady that we see. We just didn't know. But now we do. And that is what encompasses 2008 for us. It was not the easiest year of our lives by any means, but I can honestly say it has been the most joyful.

So, it is with some sadness that we say good-bye to 2008. But with much hope and joy about what 2009 will bring our family of 3.

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