Friday, March 5, 2010

Birthday Boy


Well my little buddy, you turned two yesterday. As the day approached, I couldn't help but think back to those days and moments that led up to your arrival. We were so excited and yet so scared. We didn't know what to expect, but were so ready to move through that process with you.

Your first cry sounded at 5:42 pm, on March 4th, 2008.

You were so loved right from day one. You filled a place in our hearts that we didn't even know was empty. You showed us how to love in a way we never knew was possible. And you have given us more happiness then we could ever have imagined. You are (and always have been) light to this world. You are so charismatic, and seem to have the ability to draw people to you and make them feel happiness. You have a gift, and I can't wait to see what God does through you and that gift.

At two years old you are hilarious. You say the funniest things and are always making me laugh. You love trains, trucks and tractors. You can say almost anything, and you'll try to say even the things you can't. Just tonight you looked up at me and said "Mommy, I excited!". When I asked you why? you said "For heep in Jeep... uh jeep in jeep... uh, SHEEP IN JEEP! YA, SHEEP IN JEEP!!!" (Sheep in Jeep in one of your favorite stories right now :). You love to be read to, and you love dancing. Mommy tries to show you some killer moves, but I secretly hope that by the time your dancing at your Jr. high dances you've got some cooler moves of your own. You love to sing your ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Ba Ba Black sheep and the occasional Taylor Swift song. You like to point out things as we drive, and I am pretty confident that you know the location of every horse, tractor and barn all the way between our house and a 30 minute drive in any direction. Even though there is a fine line between your hugs and your head locks, you are a great big brother. You are without doubt Ry's favorite person. You can make him laugh like no one else. You have a very strong temper and are not immune to 2 year old sized tantrums. And you are plain and simply great. I love who you are, just as you are and always will.

My hope for you Grady is that you have a happy life. I pray that you grow to be a confident, kind and compassionate boy. I pray that love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faith flow from you. I wish you would never feel pain, but since I know that is not life, I pray that you will have the strength to feel it, grow from it and move forward a better person.

We love you Grady. I have loved being your mommy for the past 2 years, and I can only imagine the joy and the journey that is still to come.

For good measure - here's a look back at your arrival and our early days with you! (p.s. Ryan's is in progress!).


Jenn :) said...

Wow Erin. This brought tears to me eyes. What an amazing message for Grady so early on in his life. :)

The Nilsen's Journey said...

Erin, what a beautiful post! Grady is so blessed to have you as his parents! Bless you!