Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Car seat saftey.

This is one area in which I was completely naive before having my own baby. However, the more I read on car seat safety the more convinced I am that often times we are much to relaxed with our current standards. We've decided to leave Grady rear facing for a while yet. At the earliest, we may turn him at 18 months - but are considering leaving him rear facing until he meets the rear facing limits for his seat. Here are some articles for my mommy friends who are interested in this topic.

1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

Hey, we went stroller gawking (to the zoo) the other weekend. I do like the Phil & Teds double strollers as they are compact & 3 wheel, big wheels...however, watching the little kids in them - they had to stretch out the side to see where they were headed. I don't think that's so great for them. I like the caboose for if Gabriel was older, he'd probably want to walk more...our friend will lend us her caboose stroller. However, I think I'm leaning towards the Graco Duo Glider. I need to try it in our car trunk first, but that's my thoughts for now...I still need to go to two more stores to view their options. (kacz kids & bo bebe). Oh the joys! Wow, 18 months apart hey? Ours will be 22. We also are excited & hope they will be good friends! How long do you have to be on the diclacton? Is it helping a lot?