Monday, August 18, 2008

"I Saw God Today"

This morning, like most mornings, I woke up to the sound of the monitor buzzing to life as Grady woke up a little earlier than usual. I decided that I would leave him for a few minutes to see if he'd fall back asleep (as I was crossing my fingers for). But he was wide awake and ready to tackle the day, so I grudgingly dragged my lazy self out of bed to get him out of his crib. When I walked into his room, he looked up at me and gave me the biggest Grady smile that comes from the bottom of his toes and fills his whole body with happiness. In that moment, I felt more love for that little boy then I knew possible. He has a joy within him that blows me away. At almost 6 months, he is already the best person I know - and I have full faith that his life makes this world a better place. I know that everyone probably feels this about their own children, but to me he is an amazing miracle. When I look at him, I see that God is at work in this world. The gift of Grady gives me hope.

"Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever truly has" - Margaret Mead


The Nilsen's Journey said...

I absolutely loved your post today!! You're a great mom!!!!

goubacon said...

Hi, I'm from the February 2008 babycentre group. I know that smile. My little girl smiles like that. I think Kate from John and Kate plus 8 put it best; She said "they see stars."

Jenn :) said...

You made me get teary in the library! What a great post!