Monday, May 4, 2009

I Love Spring

I may have said it already, but I will say it again! Spring is officially my favorite time of year. I don't know why exactly, but for me Spring time makes me feel alive. The neighbors all peek their heads out after months of hibernation, we can FINALLY play outside and then there is gardening... I absolutely love planting my vegetable garden. Last year Grady was just a little bitty guy, so I had to forgo it for one year, but this year I am back in action. My Dad and I spent a hot Saturday working in our back yard building two large planter boxes for my new and improved raised veggie garden. Even though the day came at the cost of badly burnt shoulders, I couldn't be more excited. I'll try to keep you all updated with the progress of my yummy homegrown veggies.

As for another new addition baby update - I am currently somewhere between 18 and 19 weeks. He or she is currently around 6inches long.

I've been feeling it move a lot in the past few weeks and just last night was able to feel a little nudge from the outside! I can honestly say that even during the endless weeks of being sick, it did not really feel real until I felt him or her stretching and rolling about making themselves known inside me. Yesterday at church during the praise and worship time I was holding my 14 month old, smiling at him dancing to the music (and his new thing - raising his hand like the people around him... lol), when I started to feel the baby moving around inside. At that moment I felt so blessed knowing that God has given me an amazing family and despite my unbelief, continues to bless me beyond what I could have imagined.

Our next Ultrasound is scheduled for this coming Friday! I'm so excited not only to see our babe, but to try and find out if we will be adding another blue bundle or a pink package to our little family. I can honestly say that I will be 100% happy with either. If I had to guess though, I'd say its another boy... we will see!

1 comment:

The Nilsen's Journey said...

I have been feeling the same way that it wasn't real until I started feeling kicks inside! And I echo you on the happy either way truly! It'll be fun to see if you're right about if it's a boy! This summer I want to pick your brain about your garden! I want to start one soon...would you upload pictures of it in your updates?